quick updates

it's been a while since i wrote!

not that i have an excuse, what with lockdown and everything going on. i guess i just didn't think i had anything to write about, but on reflection i kinda do!

i've probably been more productive in lockdown (in terms of new music) than i had been for the entirety of 2019... always gotta look for the positives, i guess! 3 or 4 collaborations (i told myself this year that i'd do more of that!) and 6-7 original tracks are all in various levels of completion and i've never been so excited to be releasing new material. it's probably some of the best stuff i've ever written and produced so i couldn't be prouder!

things in the UK (i live in manchester) are slowly opening up again. i'm excited to get back to the gym on the 25th, it's been far too long! that and seeing friends again for the first time since lockdown began. it seems like everyone here has already forgotten what masks are (that, or they dOn'T bEliEvE iN tHem i guess - don't really see why people are making such a big deal out of showing other people courtesy tbh) but hopefully things will be okay again one day.

either way just a quick update i guess. need to get in the swing of writing again! if you're interested in hearing more about what i'm up to, this site is a great place to do it. don't be scared to leave a comment or shoot me a message on social media!

Andy xo


sore! and new projects :)


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